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Starshine Page 3
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Page 3
“Shit,” I murmured, as it rumbled past Alex’s car. The next bus wasn’t due for another hour.
Alex watched the bus as it disappeared down the road and then turned to face me.
“See you tomorrow, Work Experience Girl.”
He grinned and winked at me as the car window hummed shut. The loud music started again and the engine revved several times before he sped off in the same direction as the bus.
It had gone nine o’clock by the time I’d got home, showered and had something to eat.
I’d sworn at Alex as he drove off and left me at the bus-stop. I had shivered involuntarily for the hour that passed before the next bus pulled up. My relief at climbing onto a warm bus had been short lived, as at the next stop, an elderly woman got on the bus and positioned herself on the seat in front of me. She had been the stinkiest person I’d ever had the misfortune of being near. I mean, I had nothing against old ladies, but when they smelt of piss, and sat on the same bus as me, all my sweet little old lady thoughts went right out of the window. Unfortunately, not the window I was sitting next to on that bus. It was typical that the window next to me seemed to have been bolted shut. I’d travelled home with my hand over my mouth and nose, cursing Alex Denton.
He was to blame for all of it.
I sank into the corner of my sofa, waiting for my laptop to spring to life. I didn’t want to do this, but I couldn’t stop myself. With my new-found knowledge from today and my first-hand experience of Alex in action as the foul mouthed and nasty character he was, I wanted to see if I had missed something glaringly obvious in any of his interviews.
I slurped on my glass of wine, fully intending to finish the whole bottle before I went to bed. I deserved it. I’d had one hell of a day, and I suspected that tomorrow would bring me more of the same. I needed to formulate some sort of plan.
I flicked through interview after interview with them together on my screen. I had chosen to view footage dated at the time when Rowan had told me that Amy was sleeping with Simon, and Alex didn’t know. Now I knew the truth it was clear to see that Amy had a slightly, almost invisible coldness about the way she behaved in these interviews. Alex looked happy and completely at ease. He was forever touching her, almost relying on her for support as he avoided the more personal questions that they were always asked. She looked uncomfortable with the whole thing. But to someone who didn’t know any better, it just looked like the questions were causing her to squirm. I now knew the real reason. She didn’t want to be there. She didn’t love Alex.
Why hadn’t I spotted this before? Was it because I wanted to believe the fairy-tale that they were in love?
I followed the first lot of video clips with others from the time when they were promoting the second film, Sunspark. This was the time when Alex knew what Amy had done and was having to act in public, as was Amy, to ensure that the Starshine brand remained untouched by the failure of their relationship. Alex acted as if nothing was wrong. It appeared that things were just as they always had been. But, knowing the truth, I caught the slight stiffness in the way his hand reached around her, the almost robotic way he sometimes reacted. It came across as nerves to anyone who didn’t know the real reasons. But, knowing what I did now, it was loud and clear—confirmation of what Rowan had told me. Alex hated Amy.
There was one clip that I kept watching repeatedly. It was one where Alex looked down at the floor throughout the whole interview. I remembered this appearance. He had uncharacteristically refused to give interviews or even meet with fans afterwards. I checked the date of the clip and my stomach lurch. It was a couple of weeks before they started filming Sunspark. It was the time that Alex had found out about Amy’s relationship with Simon.
My mind was made up. Tomorrow I would try to be nice to him. I wouldn’t answer back with any sarcastic comments. I wouldn’t glare at him. I would be as friendly as I could manage.
I didn’t like the way my mind was working. Why was I going to do this? What did it matter that he was one seriously screwed up person?
But I couldn’t ignore than nagging part of me that wanted to help. I’d always offered advice to my friends, it came naturally. And if I could help them, perhaps I could help Alex.
I wanted him to trust people again.
But first, I had to get him to trust me.
I slept restlessly that night. All my dreams were centred on Alex. But this time they weren’t the seductive, dirty dreams I normally had. This time they centred on trying to get Alex to relax with me. Everything I’d tried in my dreams was a complete failure—I had no idea how to break through to him. I’d woken up panic stricken that I had failed, and that he would live the rest of his life alone and unable to love anyone. It was a complete over-reaction, but it bothered me, ate away at me. Not just because I was failing, but because Alex was also failing.
My bus journey to the studio had given me even more time to think things through.
What if he didn’t want to change?
What if the way he behaved was the real Alex Denton?
I tutted. I couldn’t plan anything where he was concerned. I just had to go along with whatever he threw at me. I always did like a challenge. I also had a nagging doubt, one that wouldn’t go away—I only had two weeks to attempt the impossible.
The security guard was the same as yesterday and waved me through. Three check points later I pushed open the main door to the studio.
“Ahhh, Ella. You returned.” Rowan said as he stuffed several crisps into his mouth. “I didn’t know if you would be brave enough to face our favourite mega stars after their behaviour yesterday. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Breakfast?” I queried, pointing at the packet of crisps.
“Yep, I love 'em.”
He threw his head back and tipped the rest of the bag into his open mouth.
“Filming’s not for another half hour,” he said, spitting bits of crisps onto his top. “Grab yourself something to eat if you want. The cafeteria is just down the hall. Take your pass with you through, or they might not let you back in.”
“I’m fine thanks. I had something before I left.”
He wiped the mess off the front of his t-shirt. “Sensible girl.”
I strode further into the room, taking in the details of the set.
“Are they here yet?” I asked.
“Amy has still to arrive, but Alex is in make-up. He looked like shit this morning. Unfortunately, his mood is matching his appearance.”
My stomach tightened when Rowan mentioned that he was already here. The familiar sense of butterflies and excitement ran wild within me.
“Can I go and see him?” I asked, surprising myself with my question. Did I really want to go and face him this early in the morning?
Rowan raised his eyebrows. “Errr, I see no reason why not. But are you sure you want to? He wasn’t particularly friendly with you yesterday. I can’t promise that he’ll be any different today.”
“I need to talk to him.” I recalled the way he had spoken to me at the bus-stop last night. He needed to apologise, and after all, I had to talk to him if I wanted to try and befriend him in any way. This was the perfect time to start.
“Out this door and second on the left. Remember to knock,” Rowan said. “Although why you want to put yourself in his firing-line is beyond me.”
I strode from the studio, fighting the nerves that had begun to gather. My earlier excited bravado had disappeared. I paused in the corridor, outside the door that Rowan had told me to knock at. The laughter from inside caught me off guard. Was that Alex? And was that a female with him? I paused before resting my ear to the door to try to hear what was going on.
“Oh, Alex. You’re so naughty.”
More laughter sounded out.
I swallowed nervously as I straightened my back. I needed to see what was making him laugh so much. The sound was adorable, a reminder of the person I wanted to see.
I gripped the d
oor handle tightly before pushing it open with a firm shove.
My hand flew to my mouth as I held in a giggle.
Alex had shaving foam all around his face, and was sitting in a chair facing a huge mirror. The woman in the room was standing to the side of him with a razor in her hand. Alex’s steely eyes met my startled ones through the reflection of the mirror.
“For fucks sake. Why didn’t you knock!” he shouted, all signs of the laughter I’d heard from outside the room, gone. “Erin could have slit my throat open.”
I raised an eyebrow. It was easy to tell he was an actor. He was hamming this up big time. I stopped a sarcastic comment from leaving my mouth. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t do that today. I would be nice.
“Could you give us a few minutes?” I asked the woman, who I now knew as Erin.
“Errr, yes, sure.” She hesitated, looked at Alex, and then placed the razor on the counter before brushing past me out of the room.
I shut the door, turning to face Alex who was wiping the white foam from his face with a towel. As I breathed in I caught a strong scent, sandalwood, spicy, intoxicating. Alex’s cologne, I presumed. It was strong but not overpowering—nothing like the man I now faced.
I took a few tentative steps toward him, and he fixed his gaze on the floor, not on me.
“I want to talk to you about last night,” I said calmly, even though I didn’t feel it. My stomach was in knots and my heart was beating stupidly fast.
“Last night?” His head lifted and he caught my gaze. This time he was wide eyed.
“Yes. The way you spoke to me. I didn’t see any need for it.”
He sniggered as he pulled the towel away from his face and threw it onto the counter. I ignored his reaction, willing myself to stay calm. He was preparing to say something nasty, I could sense it.
“What part of me saying, “You’re wet,” seems to have bothered you?”
I took a deep breath before answering. “That wasn’t what I was referring to.”
He sighed. “Tell me then. What did I say that seems to have rattled you?”
“I think you know.”
“Maybe I do. But I want you to tell me.”
I frowned as he continued to watch me.
“You know what you said, Alex.”
His jaw flexed, and I could only think that his agitation was because of my refusal to comply with his demand.
“Are you playing games with me? Is all this a ruse to get into my dressing room and catch me in a state of undress?”
“I know all the tricks. I know exactly what’s going on in that head of yours.”
I tutted at his ploy to distract me. It had nearly worked.
“I am not a slut,” I said looking him straight in the eyes. “I’ve only ever had one boyfriend. I didn’t deserve your nasty comments yesterday and I certainly don’t want to hear any of them directed at me today. So, I suggest that if you can’t at least be civil, then don’t bother even looking at me, never mind talking to me.”
“I never—”
“Shhh, don’t interrupt me.” I held my hand up for added affect. “My name is Ella. As far as I am aware I wasn’t born with the name Work Experience Girl. Therefore, if you ever do feel you can talk to me in a nice way, I would appreciate you using my proper name.”
His mouth had fallen open, and his eyes had softened. He didn’t reply. There were no words of anger, or sarcasm, or insults.
“I have nothing more to say,” I concluded before turning around and walking out of the room.
I shut the door behind me and rested my back on the cold hard wall next to it. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the racing thud of my heart.
“That didn’t take long.” A female voice sounded out. I snapped my eyes open and frowned at the sight of Erin, who stood opposite me. She was grinning, her eyes dancing in the fluorescent light of the corridor.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I’d have thought that even a quickie with Alex would have taken a bit longer than the few minutes you were in there.” She pointed her finger at the door behind me.
“No! Oh, my God, No! I haven’t just . . .”
“Really?” Erin exclaimed. “The look he gave you when you walked in, I would have thought it was a dead certainty that he’d have had you spread out on the table in front of him.”
Heat flooded my face. The thought had never crossed my mind—well, not today.
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Well, I’ve known Alex for six years and I’ve not seen him with that look on his face since . . . well, since things went wrong with his last girlfriend.”
“Amy?” I queried.
She nodded. “So, not even a blow job?”
“No!” I shrieked. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
Erin covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide a snigger. “I’m sorry. But after what he told me about last night, I just presumed that there was a bit more going on between you two.”
“What do you mean? What did he tell you about last night?” As far as I was concerned there was nothing to tell.
“That he was going to offer you a lift when he saw you at the bus-stop.”
“He was?”
“Yeah. He said he’d never seen such a pathetic sight, but as he pulled up closer, he’d seen that there was nothing pathetic about you. I think he mentioned bright pink underwear.” She giggled.
“Hot pink,” I said, repeating what Alex had said last night. I was stunned that he had discussed me with Erin.
“Yeah, whatever. But he was explaining how wet you were and how adorable you looked, even though your lacy pants were claiming his attention.”
“He said they were lacy?” Shit, he must have really got an eyeful.
“Yeah, he was ready to offer you a lift, but realised you were completely drenched. He’d just had his car valeted and the seat covers replaced after his mishap the other week. He didn’t want you ruining his new covers.”
“He saw that I missed my bus,” I told her, hoping that she’d see how nasty an action it had been to leave me there.
“Yeah, he told me that as well. You’ve got to laugh, Ella. It is quite funny. That’s what we were laughing at when you walked in.”
I glared at her before storming off. I was annoyed that my situation had become a joke between them when I didn’t see anything funny about it. But I suddenly realised that she had called me Ella. I spun around just before I entered the studio.
“Erin!” I called back down the corridor. “I didn’t get the chance to meet you yesterday. How do you know my name?”
She frowned before answering. “It’s what Alex called you when telling me about last night. Why? Has he got it wrong?”
I shook my head. “No, it seems he’s got that just right.”
The man was unbelievable. He insisted on calling me Work Experience Girl, but used my name when talking about me to everyone else. And what had Erin been on about? She said that Alex had been looking at me a certain way, and that she was sure more than a chat would have happened when she’d left us alone in his dressing room. That was even more unbelievable. I was a penniless, struggling student. He was a super-rich film star. He’d never be interested in anyone like me, not when he could have his pick of famous and attractive women. I swore silently to myself, annoyed that I was letting him bother me. He had proved quite consistently all day yesterday that he didn’t like me. All this talk from Erin was misplaced and wrong. I refused to get my hopes up even one tiny little bit. But, the fangirl was still blazing within me. Part of me wanted to hate him, part of me wanted to help him, and part of me, a very small part, still fancied him like crazy.
I pushed the studio doors open, reminding myself that Alex Denton was an ass, and he wasn’t particularly nice either. Whatever I thought, however much I craved for the nice side of him to come to the surface, I would never get involved with him.
“Ahhh, E
lla.” Rowan sidled up to my side, speaking quietly. “I see you survived your talk with Alex. Everything okay?”
“Fine,” I replied through gritted teeth. I sank into my chair, furrowing my brow and rubbing my forehead with my fingers.
“You sure you’re okay?” Rowan persisted. “It’s just that you seem a bit on edge.”
I took a deep breath and turned to face him. “I told you I was fine. I’m just ratty because I didn’t sleep very well last night.”
“I’m not surprised after yesterday. It was a big day for you. Lots to take in.”
I nodded my agreement, but inwardly knew that it was my dreams of Alex that had caused my restless night.
“I meant to ask,” Rowan said. “But . . . well, I’m not sure how.”
I frowned. “Ask what?”
“I wondered if you’d let me take you out for a meal sometime.”
“Me?” I couldn’t believe it. I had only just been thinking about trying not to fancy Alex and now the renowned producer, Rowan Busby, was asking me out. “Like in a date?”
“Yeah, why? Does that sound strange?”
“No, no. Not strange.” I willed myself to think quickly. I had no interest in Rowan. He wasn’t my type. “I just . . . well I don’t really have time to date. What with studying and all this.” I waved my hand around in the air to demonstrate my commitment to the work experience I was on. My hand was still raised in the air, pointing in the direction of the studio doors when they swung open and Alex appeared. He frowned in mine and Rowan’s direction before prowling over to us. Once again, I was unable to tear my eyes away from him.
Why did I get the feeling that he wasn’t happy about something?
“Ella, a word please!” he demanded, inclining his head to the corner of the room. He waited for me to stand up and follow his instruction, but I was rooted to the spot. He’d used my name, not Work Experience Girl.
Maybe there was some hope after all, but I stayed in my chair. I didn’t want him to think that he could just order me around like he did everyone else.