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Starshine Page 7

  “I’m sorry,” I uttered. “I should have knocked.” He could have been naked. I lifted my hand and tried to hide my giggle.

  “What?” He smiled, obviously enjoying my reaction.

  “I should have knocked.”

  “Ella, I’m more than fine with you just walking in. It’s others I’d prefer to knock, or even keep out completely.” He slipped his feet into his trainers. “Do you have a shower back at yours?” he asked as he reached for a black scrunched up piece of material.

  “Yeah, I’ll need to crank the meter up with a few coins to get the hot water on though.”

  “Seriously? You have a meter for hot water?”

  I nodded. “Poor student, remember? I also have one for electric. It’s a shit when I’m in the middle of cooking something and the cooker cuts out and the lights go off.” I shook my head at the memory of many a ruined meal due to my lack of change for the meters.

  “Unbelievable,” Alex said as he shook the black material.

  “Why didn’t you hang that up?” I said realising that it was his t-shirt. “You’ll look a real scruff.”

  He winked. “It’s how my fans like me. Honestly, Ella, I have more important things to concern myself with these days. Clothes are not top of my list of priorities.”

  I understood. Part of his appeal was the shabby way he looked. Most women wanted to straighten him out, and many would probably pay to iron his clothes for him.

  “I scrub up alright when I have to, don’t I? I always make an effort at the premiers.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, flippantly. “You look okay, I suppose.”

  “So go on then,” he said, pulling the t-shirt over his head. “What did you say to Amy?”

  “Well, I told her that we’d slept together.”

  Alex laughed. “I bet her face was a picture.”

  “She did seem a bit shocked,” I admitted, loving seeing him laugh so freely.

  “What did she say that made you make such a libellous statement?” He leaned back against the mirrored counter.

  I shook my head, unsure whether I should tell him of her venomous words.

  “Come on, Ella. You have to tell me.”

  “Well . . . she said that once you’d slept with me, you’d want nothing more to do with me.”

  “Fuck, she really doesn’t know me at all.” He shook his head.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did, but I couldn’t help myself. She was winding me up.”

  “And when exactly are we meant to have slept together? I only met you yesterday.”

  I shrugged. “She never asked me that.”

  “Oh, Ella. You crack me up.” He pushed himself away from the counter. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do, and I leaned into him, enjoying his attention.

  Our walk to the car-park was quick and silent. He unexpectedly darted ahead as we approached his car, and opened the door for me. I wondered what he was trying to prove. Did he think that this one gesture made him a gentleman in my eyes? I began to chuckle at my thoughts.

  “Now what are you finding so amusing?” he asked as he slid into the driver’s seat.

  “You,” I answered honestly. “Opening the car door for me. What’s next?”

  “Food!” Alex answered, decisively. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I hope you’ve got some decent take out menus at your house. I need pizza, or Chinese.”

  “I’ve got menus,” I said, doubting whether I’d be able to eat anything. My stomach was churning with butterflies; in fact, I was convinced they were having a party in there.

  The car sprung to life. “One thing you need to know about me, Ella,” he said.

  “What’s that?” I asked as I was forced back into my seat by the acceleration of the car.

  “I never fuck on an empty stomach.”

  I grabbed the side of the slippery, leather seat, and tried not to whimper at his comment. Every so often, the sensible, helpful Ella disappeared, and the ridiculousness of the current situation gave way to the screaming fangirl. She leapt about excitedly within me, and I concentrated on trying to remain calm. I was so relieved I had torn his poster down last night. At least I didn’t have to contend with the sarcastic comments and innuendos that he would have produced if it had still been blue-tacked to my wall.

  Considering that I’d planned to use the car journey to talk, I found myself stuck for what to talk about. I kept my vision fixed outside of the car, suddenly ultra-aware of the small space we were both sitting in. How many times had I dreamt about being in his car with him? How many times had I dreamt about instigating some hot car sex. I glanced at the central console between us and weighed up the reality of crawling across it and onto his lap. It’d be more difficult than it was in my dream. And the roof of the car was low. I didn’t think there’d be room for me to straddle him, not unless I wanted to bang my head every time he thrust.

  I curled my hands together in my lap and pushed the thoughts away. What was I thinking? I’d promised to help him, to be his friend, not jump on him when we were alone.

  “I know you live in Camden somewhere,” Alex said as we slowed for a red traffic light. “I’m just not sure which bit exactly. You’ll have to direct me.”

  “Okay.” I risked a look at him whilst we waited for the traffic light to change. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, quietly humming an unfamiliar tune.

  “How do you know where I live? I never told you.” I said, realising that he’d never once asked for my address.

  A grin pulled across his face. “I asked for the information sheet on you that the college provided.”

  “The what?”

  “The information sheet. Everyone who comes to work on the film must provide one. It lists loads of information about you. Sort of a security measure, I suppose. A bit like a CV—a resume, but more personal.”

  “What sort of information did mine have on it?” I never provided a sheet of information. I felt exposed at having my personal details printed for everyone to look at. For some reason, it worried me. I had no idea what he, or anyone else knew.

  “Height, hair colour, eye colour, dress size, leg length, bra size—”

  “What? Tell me you’re joking?” I gasped. He had to be winding me up.

  “You’re a 34C,” he said confidently.

  “Now, I know you’re lying.” He’d got that wrong.

  “34D then,” he quickly added.

  He was still wrong.

  “Well, maybe I made that bit up, but the part about your favourite sexual position was left blank. Do you not have one?”

  “Alex. Behave!” I warned him.

  “It would have made a very interesting read if those questions had been on it,” he said. “But it was pretty standard stuff. Name, age, address.”

  “You said you didn’t know where I lived.”

  “I know the address—I just have no idea where it is in Camden. I should have. I used to live there a few years ago.”


  “Uh-huh. But I don’t pay attention to street names. You could live just around the corner from where I lived for all I know.”

  “Might be the same house. How freaky would that be?”

  “Very,” he replied. “Now, you need to direct me from here.”

  Looking out the window, I quickly identified where we were. This was the main street that the bus came down, so all I had to do was follow the route the bus took.

  “Take a right at the next traffic lights,” I said. “And then head straight along that road until the end.”

  He followed my directions as we weaved through the night-time traffic.

  It was only when we pulled up outside the house that I realised the time.

  “It’s late,” I said, pointing at the digital display.

  “Shit!” Alex said. “I didn’t realise it was that late. It’s
too late for us to talk. We’ve got an early start tomorrow.”

  I sighed.

  “I have a feeling it’s going to be like this all week, you know,” Alex said. “Amy will make sure of it.”

  “It was you who made us late today,” I reminded him.

  He stared out of the front windscreen. “Yes, I know. I’m sorry. I was worried about what you were going to say.”

  I reached across the console for his hand. “Did you really think I was going to tell you to piss off?”

  He nodded before turning to look at me.

  It was hard to tell his exact expression as the only light was from the dimmed street-lamp above us. His hand tightened around mine.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Ella. And I know we’ve only just met, but . . . shit.” He pulled his other hand through his hair. “There’s something, I don’t know what, but there’s something between us.”

  “A great big dirty console,” I said, grinning as my mind wandered back to my earlier thoughts.

  Alex grinned. “You’re like a breath of fresh air for me. I know that’s a cliché, but it’s honestly how I feel. I can’t believe we only met yesterday.”

  I shifted in my seat to face him. “It’s because I won’t put up with your bull-shit. I’ll call you out on it whenever you need the reminder. You’re not a famous film star to me, you’re just Alex. Someone who needs a friend who they can rely on.”

  “Just a friend?” he asked, leaning closer.

  I paused before answering. I was struggling to think straight. What I had said was what our relationship should be. After these four weeks of filming I’d never see him again. I didn’t want to be a passing quick fling for him. But this was Alex Denton we were talking about. Would it be so bad if I let him push me into a relationship, however brief?

  “I think we need to see where things take us,” I said. “I’m not making any promises other than friendship at the moment. I don’t know you.”

  His lips tightened. “I think I understand. You don’t trust me, do you? Can’t say I blame you. But do me a favour when you get in.” He nodded at the house. “Do some research on me. See if you can find any evidence that I’ve had relationships with women purely for the sake of it. I know you’ll probably not believe me, but I’ve not slept with anyone since I split with Amy.”

  My mouth fell open. Of all the things I’d expected him to say, this was not one of them.

  He lifted his finger and placed it under my chin before pushing my bottom jaw upward and closing my mouth. “You do that again, and I’ll kiss you,” he said. “Now get out of here. I need my beauty sleep!”

  I snapped from my reverie. “Too right you do.” I unclipped the seat-belt and opened the door.

  Alex leaned over my vacated seat. “I’ll pick you up in the morning if I can find my way out of this maze and back again tomorrow. Eight-o-clock sound okay?”

  “Yes, sure.” It was better than my normal journey that started at seven-o-clock at the bus-stop.

  “Sleep tight then, Ella. No bad dreams tonight.” He winked before pulling the door shut, revving the engine, and speeding off.

  I was left on the pavement in another trance-like state.

  Bad dreams? Who said anything about bad dreams?

  I didn’t open my laptop that evening; I fell into bed and straight to sleep.

  True to his word, Alex picked me up in the morning, his car horn signalling his arrival. Unfortunately, just as Alex had said, Amy played up for the following three days causing filming to finish as late as it had the first night Alex took me home. We still hadn’t had a talk about anything, and I’d managed to keep Alex at arms-length, although it was becoming increasingly difficult to stop myself from reacting to his flirtations and innuendoes. The more I fought against him, the more he seemed to enjoy it.

  Whenever there was a break in filming he stood with me, and ignored Amy. He was well behaved, and never pushed me into kissing him on the mouth again, much to the disappointment of my screaming inner fangirl. I had her tightly under control, and allowed myself to enjoy the kisses he frequently placed on my cheek and my forehead.

  But tonight, filming had finished at six-o-clock, it seemed that Amy had plans for Saturday evening, and in her eagerness to fulfil her own diary commitments, she forgot about spoiling Alex’s and mine.

  We practically ran out of the studio after filming, desperate to get away and spend the evening together. I wanted to get the talk out of the way, but in all honesty, I couldn’t wait to have him in my flat, sitting on my sofa. Just us two—Alex and me—no-one else around. We deserved some privacy.

  Alex parked the car outside the house, and I near enough skipped across the small front garden and up the steps to the front door. I rummaged in my bag for my keys.

  “I always lose the keys in the bottom of my . . .” My explanation trailed off as I realised Alex wasn’t with me. I looked back at the car just in time to see him step out of it. He was wearing a baseball cap with the brim pulled low over his face.

  Seconds later, he was taking the steps two at a time before joining me at the door.

  “Is that really necessary?” I asked as I shoved the door with my shoulder.

  Alex raised a brow. “You never know who’s around, Ella. I need to be careful.”

  I pushed my shoulder against the door again. It remained shut.

  “It sticks,” I informed him. He shook his head before joining me with my third shoulder shove. The door opened, swinging inward, revealing the shabby communal hallway. There was opera music playing loudly from the downstairs flat, Carmen, if I wasn’t mistaken.

  “I’m upstairs, top floor. There’s no lift, I’m afraid,” I explained as I headed toward the bottom of the stairs. Alex followed me, his eyes darting to the doors that we passed on the other two floors.

  “Do you know everyone who lives here?” he asked, as we climbed the final set of narrow stairs.

  “Yeah. But not properly. I tend to keep to myself, but they all seem quite nice.”

  “There not likely to come calling for a cup of sugar or anything whilst I’m here then?”

  “Why? Would it matter if they did?”

  I pushed the key into the lock of my door.

  “I don’t want anyone to know I’m here.”

  I tutted at his remark, letting the door swing open before I stepped inside.

  Was I an embarrassment to him? After the snapped moments of time we’d spent together this week, I didn’t think he’d be so cutting.

  “Ella, shit, sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Honestly, I have no problem being here with you. But if anyone finds out, the media for instance, then your life will be made absolute Hell. I don’t want that for you.”

  I released a breath I’d not realised I’d been holding. Relief flooded through me.

  “I’ll throw a blanket over you and you can hide in my wardrobe if anyone calls whilst you’re here,” I said, throwing my bag on the small side table, and reaching for the light switch.

  The lights flickered on as Alex closed the door behind him. He scanned the room as I pulled my cardigan off and headed to the kitchen area.

  “Bathroom is over there, and the bedroom is next to it,” I directed, waving my hand in their general direction. “I’ll just grab some menus.”

  Alex’s gaze followed the direction of my arm before he wandered further into the room. “It’s all very cosy,” he said, heading for the over-stuffed sofa. “I like it. It’s nice. Very you.”

  I opened my fridge, double checking what alcohol I had in. I usually kept three bottles of wine in the chiller, and tonight, I needed a drink to steady my building nerves.

  “What did you expect it to be like?” I asked, picking the menus out of a drawer.

  “I don’t know. But I like the sloping roof, and the sky lights.”

  “Well, that’s what you get when you live in the roof,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Are there any normal wind

  “Yes, just one, in my bedroom.”

  “Maybe I’ll get to see it later.” He chuckled, sinking into the sofa.

  “Here,” I offered, handing him the menus. “Pick what you want, and I’ll ring it in. Do you want a glass of wine? I’ve not got any beers.”

  He yawned. “Whatever you’ve got will be fine, Ella.”

  I headed back to the kitchen area and poured two glasses of wine, but I kept stealing surreptitious glances at Alex as he relaxed on my sofa. The make-up he had worn in the studio had all but disappeared, but his eyes had a definite darkness underneath them. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned again.

  I’d never imagined that I’d have Alex Denton sitting on my sofa. But it felt right, as if he’d always sat there. I was anxious to set things straight between us, but I also liked the way things were going. I enjoyed his company and the flirty, light-hearted way he teased me. It was incredibly easy to be in his company when he behaved that way.

  I moved my hand across the counter, in the direction of the glasses, grinning at my crazy thoughts. Just as I was about to pick them up the lights went out.

  “Shit!” I cursed.

  “Ella? Are you alright?” Alex called.

  “I’m fine. I just need to find my torch, then I’ll feed the meter. You stay there. I don’t want you breaking anything.”

  I heard his deep chuckle from across the room. “I’ll not move a muscle.”

  I felt my way along the work surface, toward the area where I kept my emergency torch. It was only a matter of seconds before I found it and switched the solitary beam on. I headed toward the table where I’d left my bag, cursing when I opened my purse and realised I had no pound coins.

  “Alex, have you got any change on you?” I asked, flashing the torch in his direction.

  He lifted his hips off the sofa, and reached into his back pocket.

  “Nope,” he said as he opened his wallet. “Just notes, I’m afraid.”

  The torch was starting to flicker, and I didn’t have any spare batteries for it.